Monday, December 27, 2010

BMW E30 M3, Drawing Pen, 2008

Just a rough sketch with a drawing pen of a BMW E30 M3. Would like to redo this one Foose Style

Friday, December 24, 2010

Mitsu Evo III - Rally of Thailand, Watercolor, 1996

Evo III Rally of Thailand - 1996
Boy do I love rally back then. Still do but don't follow them that much now. I was a bit disappointed I guess. Why? because the sport did not get the support that it deserves. We spend so much on the "glamour' sports with little result. While we have a World Champion, I repeat World Champion in Karamjit Singh aka the Flying Sikh and yet he cannot compete because of lack of sponsors? I think I'd better stop here :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cats In Action:1978, Oil Painting

Rotten Forgotten: Best in Category SAA 2006

The star of my works. My first ever entry to the Society of All Artist (SAA) Artist of the year competition 2006. I won the best in category for still life (listed as finalist). Quite a recognition for a part time/amateur painter like me. Considering more than 8,000 entries from all over the world (well, mostly UK). Here is the link.
The story behind this watercolor painting was, my wife hid some Clementine on the fridge, but they were forgotten. and thus some of them turn bad. Decided to take a few pictures of it, then came the idea of re-arranging it for this painting. The light was done using masking and the rot was done using table salt

Single Title Not Me

Single Title Not Me
Originally uploaded by kornholigo
Single title not me... ha ha (Sorry Anna). It pretty much says about this tennis star. Even though she was one of the famous players in this sport, she never won any single title. I drew this portrait in the early 2000.
The thing I like the most about this portrait is the hair. I was having fun doing it.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Originally uploaded by kornholigo
This was my entry for the SAA Artist of the Year contest 2009. I use masking fluid to do the water splash. I actually need to re-touch the whiskers with shadow and dark lines. But kinda like the thick white look

E36 M3 SMG

E36 M3 SMG
Originally uploaded by kornholigo
Rough sketch of an E36 M3 SMG in Car-toon style